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Valparaiso Recycles

Expanded Recycling Program

The City of Valparaiso has developed an expanded recyclable material collection system. Our recycling program decreases the waste stream currently going to a landfill by offering an alternative means of disposal. We have constructed a holding area which is used to collect, bale, and prepare materials for transport to a recycling center. Currently, we have two drop off points for recycable materials, as listed below, for residents and non-residents.  There is no increased cost associated with this service.

Drop off locations:

City Hall - 465 Valparaiso Pkwy
Lewis School - 281 Mississippi Ave

Please place items in designated bins.

Acceptable Materials:

  1. Cardboard- Corrugated Cardboard or Boxboard (cereal box)
  2. White office paper
  3. Mixed paper/newspaper
  4. Plastics- #1 (PET or PETE) and #2 (HDPE)
  5. Aluminum cans, which will continue to be donated to the fireworks fund 

Due to the current market it is not cost effective to recycle glass containers at this time.

Special thanks go to Lewis Middle School for supporting our recycling efforts by providing a strategically placed drop off location!

Please help us out! Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
